Monday, November 3, 2008

A House Divided

Back from the NASCAR race in Texas--just in time to vote! But am I ready? Have I really made my final decision? There are so many issues, how can I decide on just one candidate?*

They are both notable authors voicing the need for change. They are concerned about climate change and both call for a cap on the nation's greenhouse gas emissions. They both agree that the United States should focus its attention on Afghanistan. They both want to provide an opportunity for illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship. They both recommend the closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. And they both support embryonic stem-cell research.

And....McCain has 24 pets (which includes 4 dogs) and Obama has none. Zero. Nothing. Zip.**

*Actually, I already voted last week and my final decision was made without factoring in the pet issue.

**Obama has promised to get his daughters a dog after the election and America has voted, we want a poodle! we want a poodle!

***This politically charged post makes me nervous. I'm not anti-poodle OR anti-yorkie! But I am anti-snake. Hmmm.

****Many thanks to LiteralDan, the Commander-in-Chief of all footnotes, for the use of the asterisks found in this post.

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  1. It was a tough choice for me. I have teatered back and forth the whole time. I think I have made my decision and it is one I can stand behind. Now I cant wait for this election to be over.

  2. I am voting today. My neighbors just came home from our polling station, which has been open less than an hour, and it's a THREE HOUR WAIT. I am prepared to stand in line as long as it takes!

    Oh, and I vote for poodle if it's a standard size poodle and not one of those miniature things!

  3. I havent got my citizenship as yet so cannot vote, which is sad for me because I love this country and would love to vote. Oh well just need to get my but in gear and get my citizenship I guess!!

  4. I am ready to vote! I was going to do it on my lunch break but now am home with a sick child so it will be when my hubby gets home!

  5. You did not disappoint on your promised footnotes. You can be Secretary of State of Footnotes.

  6. I voted last week and I am ready for it to be over. Glad you got back from NASCAR safe and sound.

  7. I just want the phone calls and TV ads to end. I can't take it anymore. I voted two weeks ago, and by the looks of the line at my polling place, thank the good Lord I did.

  8. yea i vote for puddle too....a bull terrier he won't make it

  9. I voted early, turned my ballot in last week. I was glad to be able to just pay attention to what was happening and not have to worry about forming opinions anymore.

  10. I voted and the wait was 5 mins, I always knew who I was voting for, even put a lawn sign out. Figured maybe some of the neighbors we don't like would stop talking to us, just kidding.

  11. Holy cow, McCain has alot of pets - I did not know that!

    We waited until the last minute to vote this time. I can see the line now (w/ us at the end of it!) =S

  12. I voted 3 weeks ago. Even though I don't live in the US anymore I need to cast the vote for my French Fries' future if they ever live in the US.
    Keep your fingers crossed!

  13. Wouldn't it be awesome if Obama or McCain brought a snake in the white house when one of them won? THAT would have swayed my vote. I pretend to not be afraid of snakes, but whenever I've been confronted with them (seven times!!!) I've ran squealing like a pig. They are the devil's muse. I mean,no legs? Just muscle? Wrong. Wrong.

  14. this post was too cute!

    and i voted last week! i can't wait for it to be over too

  15. I voted last week. And since the results are in - my man won. History has been made and I am so glad to be a part of this history.

  16. 24 pets?! That's a whole lot of animals. I wonder if he knows all their names. :)

  17. You are right. Dogs should be standard-issue for ALL presidents!
    Think we can abolish cats?

  18. wow! beautiful huskey's! I miss ours...


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