Monday, January 12, 2009

Can't Trust That Day

It's Monday. Two down and 50 to go. It's also the beginning of Armageddon Week on the History Channel. A doom and gloom week filled with all kinds of different ways humans could die at the hands of nature and the universe. Those shows always send me into a panic mode where I must have chickens! goats! immediately! And I start planning on converting one of the bedrooms into a pantry full of canned goods. But then I watch The Office and 30 Rock and I'm all Imminent Ice Age? What Imminent Ice Age?

But I have good news! A bright spot in my day! Two of my favorite bloggers have awarded me the Lemonade Award for showing great attitude and/or gratitude. Many, many thanks to Kat from SassyIrishLassie who has an excellent photo definition for the word "hope" and a big thank you to Jen from Another Online Mom who is posting everyday this month about tried and true beauty products and tips. Thank you both!

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  1. Sounds like I won't be watching the history channel this week. The Office sounds more appealing.
    Congratulations on your award!

  2. Congrats on your award!

    I try to stay away from the doom and gloom as much as I can. The weather is depressing enough this time of year without adding that!

  3. I'll be avoiding the History Channel like the plague (is that one of the ways mentioned to wipe out the human race?).

    We bought our house from a Mormon family, who, when they built the house, added what I call a "panic" room in the basement. It's really a LARGE storage area with no windows to store lots of food, blankets, water, etc. We have it packed with baby stuff and banquet tables.

  4. Congrats on your awards! Yes, like many of you I will be avoiding the history channel the office is new this week and sounds like it's going to be HILLARIOUS!!

  5. Oh gotta love the history channel. Nice. I just through a snow storm with an empty pantry...won't be doing that again...I don't doom and gloom week will help! :)

    Happy Monday. Enjoy the Office (much more...let's say - uplifting!).

  6. This is one reason why not having TV is good...I don't get to hear the bad stuff but I also don't really hear the good stuff (unless they report it on NPR). Congrats on the award!

  7. God, I love/hate Armegedon Week! Can't decide which.

    COngrats on the award girl!

  8. The history channel is my husbands favorite. Ugh!

    Congrats on your award!

  9. congrats on your awards, u just reminded me I have a few to do.

  10. Congrats on the award! I like your blogging with attitude!

    I'm not so much into worrying about the Ice Age

  11. I don't watch those end-of-days shows, but my hubby makes fun of me for watching stuff like "Law and Order" or "Grey's Anatomy" because they're so bleak. I can't wait for "Chuck," "The Office" and "30 Rock" to come back with new ideas!

    Thanks for visiting during my Saucy week!

  12. Really, Armageddon Week? I din't know. I love a little gloom and doom. I'll have to try to catch some of it.

  13. My husband loves that series, I will have to remind him that it's on this week...and THANK YOU for the kind words!!

  14. I'm not thinking about doom and gloom...apparently we only have until 2012? so I'm making the most of it!

  15. I did watch the first night of it. For like 4 hours. And then I couldn't sleep. Why do I do this?


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