Monday, January 26, 2009

Second Chances

Get ready, Putz, here it comes!

Scientists say that Venus used to be very similar to Earth. But then something happened to the atmosphere. And now conditions there cannot support life. Hmmm...

What if Venus was the first "Earth?" What if millions of years ago things were being played out there like they are here today? What if the people of Venus didn't take care of their planet and eventually, their excess and apathetic ways caused the planet to heat up to what it is now, almost 900 degrees F?

But the temperature change was not sudden. Let's say that gradually, as Venus' temperature rose, some humans began to die out as others began to evolve in order to adapt to the changing atmosphere. Their bodies changed in order for them to survive 200 mph winds, the lack of water, the heat, and high atmospheric pressure. After thousands and thousands of years, these "aliens" continue to learn and create and explore beyond their planet.

And I believe they are at that point in their technology where they are trying to communicate with us by making frequent trips to Earth. I also believe that our government has known this for years. I think that in us, these beings recognize their past and while they might be trying to learn more about their own origins through us, they may also be trying to warn us of our future here on Earth.

Whew! I'm glad I got that off my chest!

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  1. are feeling deep and cosmic today? I do wonder what we are doing to our earth. I really think less about

  2. WOW!! I had no clue and you are right we could very well be looking at another "Venus" happening if we dont' start taking care of our planet.

  3. There have been all those sightings in Europe lately...

  4. I think you probably hit it right on the head. If not venus, then definately some other planet. Maybe one we don't even know about yet. I've read a LOT on this. It's stunning.

  5. That, was a very interesting post Ali. It does make you wonder though.

  6. Hmm, what an interesting rant. What if? *I hear the music from the X files playing in the background*

  7. Okay this freaks me out a little, I have to say.

    I often wonder about these other planets and other life.

    Very interesting post, Ali - gets ya' thinkin' - that's for sure!

  8. umm Ali, this was very, intresting. thank you so much for strategically PLANTING all of this in my head. Have ya read my not me monday?? Whatadernminute, so you mean theres a slim chance that we could all be instantly wiped off the planet in a split second? (I'm totally ignoring the other option you suggested) and I would be FREEEEE. I will have to look into this further!!♥ LA

  9. thanks for the informatio...i might be related to souls from venus//my great great auntee name was dj567wqklgh9i...i think that is a venusesse name if my recollection is correct

  10. Holy cow, Ali - I didn't know you had that in you, girl!! haha

    You could write about that and sell thousands of copies - what a great story line!!

  11. WOW!

    I'm with you on needing to clean up our acts and take better care of our earth!


  12. Have you been watching the X-Files again, Ali?

  13. I'm going to be thinking about this for days now.


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