Monday, June 15, 2009

It's Over!

Baseball season is over! Wait, make that !!!!!!!!!

I love it when the season starts--the fresh air, the warmer weather, and seeing how excited Big pup gets when he hits the ball. These boys were all on the same T-ball team last year so it's nice to have them all together again, seeing how much they've improved and reconnecting with the parents.

But about halfway through the schedule, I start counting down the games. All the traveling to away games and 2 hour practices on school nights start wearing me down. Not to mention paying 50 cents for one ring pop at the concession stands. So I'm gladly hanging up my chauffeur hat for the summer, relaxing before soccer season starts in the fall, and stocking up on packages of ring pops from the dollar store.

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  1. Soon you will miss the vacation, lol. What will you and your family do for the summer?

  2. Rev11: Probably travel too much and spend too money on candy!

  3. Lucky you. My chauffeur is just beginning with cheerleading practice.

    Come on over to my blog. I have an award for you.

  4. I hear you on this one! Welcome to my world, where with 3 kids we always have an in-season sport that requires traveling........some out of state.
    Enjoy the summer. Any vacation plans?

  5. Great photo collage.

    I totally hear you on getting restless about halfway through the season.

  6. After spending a week at your house, I could totally see how it would wear you down!

    Nice pics!

  7. What is it about kids wanting things from the concessions stand?

  8. LOL!!! I know what you mean! Those ring lolly pops really do come in handy, I would never have guessed! I only realised that when Papa and I went to one of BP's games!

  9. I was surely gonna suggest bringing your own ring pops! Concessions are extreme!

  10. See, lazy kids are not all bad!!! Would I be a bad parent if I encouraged laziness in my kids?

  11. Will hasn't started any sports yet but next summer I will be right there w/ you

  12. I have numerous friends in the same boat as you, and they ALL feel the same way. Great season, great that it's done! :)

  13. Congratulations on making it through the season. My boys aren't really into the sports yet, but I think my, soon-to-be, second grader might play pee-wee football next year. We'll see. I won't be too excited about playing chauffeur either. Happy Summer Vacation!

  14. Sounds fun! It will be nice to have a break I'm sure!

    I left you an award on my blog!

  15. LOL, good idea though, stocking up beforehand. Those consession stands ARE expensive!!

  16. High Five! I am still celebrating! (And I don't feel guilty in the least!)

  17. I love when the season is over. It certainly is EXHAUSTING trekking back and forth to games, isn't it?


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