I'm cheating today. I'm reposting a recipe for ice cream sandwiches that I posted early on in my blogging days that garnered only 1 comment. And this recipe needs to seen, tried and raved about, people! My Granny B used to make these for Sunday dinner dessert when I was growing up and I loved them. She would keep them in the big deep freezer in her kitchen and opening that door and just seeing all those small aluminum foiled packages was almost as satisfying as the sandwiches themselves. This is such a fun, delicious treat to have on hand for the summer.
Ice Cream Sandwiches
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup corn syrup
vanilla ice cream (softened)
Blend corn syrup and peanut butter well. Add cereal and stir. Press mixture into a greased 9x13 baking dish. Put into freezer for 15 minutes or until firm. Cut into 12 squares. Make sandwiches. Wrap with aluminum foil. Store in freezer.