Monday, December 1, 2008

More Than Like

Several weeks ago when Janet gave me the 'I'm Lovin' Your Blog' award, I was supposed to have posted 5 things that I love. But I didn't. Because I'm a rebellious rule breaker, remember? Oh, and I'm lazy. That may have had something to do with it too. So without further ado, here is a list of 5 things that I love.

I don't drink much soda but when I do it's a Dr. Pepper. But make it caffeine free please otherwise I will be up until 2 a.m.

When I'm not reading novels set in Afghanistan or China or Forks, WA (yes, I've hopped on the Twilight bandwagon), I love reading a good bodice ripper.

I can't start my day without a hot cup of Tazo's Zen tea. It's green tea with a hint of lemon and mint and actually, I end up drinking about 4 cups throughout the day.

I love watching whole seasons of tv shows on dvd. I recently watched 3 years worth of Arrested Development in just one month. Right now, WD and I are making our way through The Shield.

(photo from imdb)
I loved watching Josh Bernstein on the History channel's Digging For The Truth. I love watching Josh Bernstein on the Discovery channel's Into The Unknown. I would even love watching Josh Bernstein read the minutes from the subcommittee hearing on how offshore entities dodge taxes on U.S. stock dividends.

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  1. oh I love the bodice rippers too (LOL, good name) and love my tea in the morning. You can keep your Dr Pepper though, blah.

  2. I ♥ diet dr. pepper! (with the caffine!) I am on the hunt for the last book in the "Twilight" series...everyone seems to be out. I'm going through withdrawls. LOL!

  3. pepsi, i'll be use d to be my favorite until dad told me it would eventually kill me, so i stopped...something aboput the chemicals in it

  4. Dr. Pepper, did you say Dr. Pepper!! I love Dr. Pepper!
    I think I need to just break down and get the twilight series.

  5. I am just starting the last of the Twilight series. Once you start its hard to stop. Luke loves The of the many reasons he probably wishes we still had TV. I will admit it is pretty fast paced and keeps you guessing.

  6. Love the Dr. too but no diet here! I will have to check out Josh Bernstein! thanks for the heads up!

  7. Okay, so I do not use any of your five, ha! LOL. I will have to think about my five.

  8. it is the simple things that make life so great isn't it!

  9. A quality list of ever there was one!

  10. I am with you on the Dr. Pepper. Don't feel bad for jumping on the Twilight band wagon. I have been driving that wagon for months now. Driving it right to crazy town! I am a bit of an obsessive freak about it.

  11. I miss Dr. Pepper! Can you send me a care package?

  12. I used to be only a tea drinker, too. Then I got hooked on coffee. I'll probably switch back when they stop producing the pumpkin coffee!
    And I hate The Shield. So glad it's over!
    Did you totally love Arrested Development? That show reignited my passion for Jason Bateman! Ah, so hot!

  13. But you are a creative rule breaker-so that's something!


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