Friday, April 3, 2009

A Baby Deer Is Called A...

Do you realize that the last day of school is next month? The countdown has begun here at the Home of the Lazy Dog. Thirty-nine more days. As much as I like the routine of school days, Big pup needs a break--and so do I. So while I try and figure out how he got a C plus on this worksheet, please enjoy today's selection for Poetry Friday.

First Grade Homework by D. Nurkse

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  1. Ok, so what was wrong??

    I dared to count down............33 more school days for my girls, 38 for Nick!!! I can't wait either!

    TGIF, have a great weekend Ali!

  2. My husband is a teacher and I'm ready for school to be out for him to be around for some summer fun! the peanut butter thing below looks and sounds super yummy! I do Weight Watchers and if it wasn't for some of the snacks they offer I would never make it!!!

  3. Dropped by from MBC....nice blog!
    I am both looking forward to and dreading the kids being home from school. The first few weeks will go smooth I am sure then the boredom sets in and my two are good at getting on each others nerves quick.

  4. We are so ready for school to be out at our house!! I can't believe we have a month left of school where has this year gone?

  5. What the heck! Those are the right answers.

  6. I think that teacher should go back to college.

  7. Um? Maybe that teacher needs a math lesson!

  8. Did you ever find out about the correct answers on this test? lol


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