Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Bad Day

Last week while WD was on patrol, a crotch rocket sped by him doing 47 in a 30 mph zone. WD took off after him in pursuit, running stop signs and traveling up to 80 mph. After several blocks the little Kawasaki Ninja stalled while turning a corner so WD jumped out of the car, yanked the guy off the bike and put him on the ground. Well, the guy landed on the ground but WD hit the asphalt and tore up his knee pretty bad.

I'm only bringing this up because it reminds me of something that happened to me this past weekend. The boys were at their grandparents' house and WD was working so I spent the day on the couch. I got sucked into watching a marathon of Make Me A Supermodel and after 5 hours I had such a painful crick in my neck that I had to take a nap with a hot water bottle.

It helped a little.

Thanks for your concern.

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  1. man, I am looking for the sympathy but you lost me at 5 hours of alone time.

  2. Sounds rough, Ali. Really rough. I'll be sure to send you a care package soon.

  3. Mmmm Yes, those are two very similar situations indeed!

    My thoughts are with you as you recover...

  4. You poor, poor thing.... really. lol...

  5. Would you like more cheese to go with that whine??? JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING!! So sorry you took a spill but glad to know you are better!!!

  6. Hmmm, him chasing a fool on a motorcycle....you......crick in your neck..........so similar!!!

    You are too funny, glad that nap fixed you right up.

    How is WD?

  7. you are a super model, you don't need to watch how to become one

  8. LOL about you not your husband!

  9. Man what a hard job you have Ali! I mean really that is awful! LOL

  10. SO been there. you're going to get disability, right?

  11. Oh your neck crick is so much worse than the whole crotch rocket thing!! I feel your pain. Couches are so dangerous, they should come with bright and bold warnings!!
    LOL! Thanks for stopping by the blog.

  12. I hope you're recovering okay! Poor thing...

  13. Wow! That is a rough day...those neck crinks suck! :)

  14. Ha ha...Hey there lazy dog, you're funny! You should check out the first dseason of Make Me a Supermodel. It far better than the second. Ronnie Kroell is hotter than white hot...and so are the other guys on the show. I promise the adrenelin will be pumping and there will be NO kinks in the neck...even though you may feel a bit kinky (in a good way) watching their antics. Try it, you'll like it!


  15. 5 hours of alone time? Heck, I'd sit there and watch television in the peace and quiet too. LOL

  16. A crick in your neck from watching TV?! I'm not laughing. Still not laughing... OK, maybe I'm laughing just a little bit. lol

    Oh man, the knee... that hurts me!! Road rash is awful - my husband once slid into 2nd base (Co-Ed adult softball) and ripped the hide clean off his shin from the knee down. Your husband's knee reminded me of that, and if it's as bad, he's in a world a'hurt. Poor guy!! I hope he feels better soon!!

  17. Um, I once threw my back out sneezing, but that was exerting SOME effort. Make me a Supermodel, huh? Sounds interesting.

  18. Oh my goodness-I hope he tended to your every need when he got home. It is the least he could have done since he wasn't there plumping pillows and bringing you treats :)

  19. Oh yes, I can definitely see the similarities in the two situations. Chasing a reckless driver and 5 hours alone on the couch. You are a riot! LOL!! :-)

  20. LOL Hope your husband's knee is recovering well and that your neck heals alright. Yes, the two really did go hand in hand.


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