Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just Cover It In Cheese

This is Big pup. He's 7, loves babies, and wants to be a policeman/truckdriver/train conductor/race car driver when he grows up. He's also a picky eater.

He likes spaghetti, but with no sauce. He will only eat hamburger buns, no meat. He loves McDonald's chicken nuggets but spits them out anywhere else. Goldfish are yummy, Cheez Its are gross. And don't even think of trying to trick him into eating Great Value blueberry muffins, it has to be Martha White. Actually, I'll let him slide on that one, I can tell a difference too. My point? HE IS PICKY!

So when I noticed that the topic of Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Meals yesterday was called Parent's Best Friend, I was very interested.
But then she made battered fish fillets topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and lots of basil. And then she made pita chips topped with artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers, and spinach. And then she said if you cover it with cheese, kids won't even notice the spinach. She also said that I'm a bad mother and I'm the one preventing him from trying new foods and he really, really wants to eat an octopus because he's braver than I think and just because I'm his mother doesn't mean I know what he likes and dislikes because, hello, what kid doesn't like chicken parm?!

Mine, Rachael. Trust me.

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  1. My theory behind picky eaters. Offer up everything, keep asking and ask them to try on occasion, and what happens happens.

  2. Rachel Ray is an expert on kids' eating habits. You should trust her after all she doesn't have any kids so she has lots of time to think of meals that kids should eat. ;)

  3. I have a picky eater, too. I feel your pain. And what does Rachael know about kids? Apparently not much when it comes to food. My picky eater isn't overly fond of cheese!

  4. I can relate to big pup, I am a picky eater and so are my girls.

  5. BAHAHA she's never met my kids. my kids would have rachel ray perusing the frozen aisle faster than she could say bon appetit!

  6. Picky eaters are difficult! My picky eater is getting much better. Wyn didn't like any sauce, only plain food, and very basic stuff a few years ago. With a lot of encouragement she is beginning to realize she actually likes a lot of the stuff she thought she hated. Thank goodness!

  7. Yeah, how many kids does she have?

  8. Covering anything with cheese works for me, but, yeah, I don't think it quite works for Little pup!

  9. I'd like to see her get my son to eat something as "disgusting" as tomato sauce!

    Or meat that isn't in the shape of a dinosaur.

  10. I refuse to take recipe advice from someone who utters the phrase, "Holy cat!" Plus, I think she mixes some of the craziest stuff together. I swear. 30 minutes to make. 2 seconds to spit it in a napkin and hope the dog will eat it.

  11. LOL! I'm SO happy my kids aren't picky--anymore. Of course there was a period when they'd only eat food that was beige. The hell?

    Now they eat sushi and okra. Don't ask.

    Okay, you made me CRACK UP with your Ernie Barnes comment on my blog... Just lookin' out of the windowwwww... LOL!!! You're a nut!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  12. All of my kids are picky eaters. However, my 7-year-old, Ali, is just starting to come around. She will try things now without too much fight, and she is finding that there are some things out there she does like. My point is I believe they will all (or most of them anyway) will grow out of their picky eating habits. I mean how many adults do you know that only eat spaghetti sans sauce? Yet that is exactly how my kids like it too. When I was a kid I wouldn't touch broccoli, spinach, or asparagus, but now I love all three of those yummy veggies. Time is the answer!

  13. um, yeh. she doesn't have kids. 'nuff said.

  14. Ha ha ha. That Rachel knows nothing! I've got one that only eats BK nuggets and one that only eats Wendy's meat disks (aka hamburgers with no bum). I stop at two fast food places when we go that route just for the peace. Of course I've got some people over here who aren't on the growth curve so adequate protein is paramount!


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