Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Reason #92

If I wake him up he'll be cranky, the temperature is in the low 80's, there's a nice breeze, I could leave the doors open, he really needs a nap, he's just in the driveway, if I wake him up he'll be cranky, I undid the safety harness on his carseat, he can get out whenever he wakes up, we don't live in the suburbs, there's nobody around, I can see him from the living room and the dining room, if I wake him up he'll be cranky, hmmmm...what to do?...what. to. do?

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    Sorry...been there before, and I shoulda let him sleep:)

  2. But he looks so sweet, surely he won't be cranky

  3. OMG I remember those days -anyway to bring the whole carseat in?

  4. my son does that sometimes and if he doesn't get a nap he is crank city. I can not transfer him or he wakes up! My guy is sleeping on the ottoman right now and I am not waking him!

  5. I know that fear. I still live that fear sometimes. It's hard to argue with peace and quiet. Because what's to come... *shudder*

  6. Oh, he does look peaceful! So sweet.

  7. I did not wake him up! No crankiness AND I got to cook dinner without playing referee between him and his brother!

    I have had to wake him recently when that happens though because it's gotten so much hotter outside.

  8. I do that with my son alot. Almt exactly, I unstrap him and I can see him from the play room. I always just leave him, unless it's raining or too cold.

  9. That's a great picture. I would leave my kid if I didn't live in a creepy psychopath neighborhood and I could see him the whole time. I love your blog. And your recipes.


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