Recently, I was tagged by a few of my fellow mommy bloggers to do a meme listing 6 of my random, boring, unspectacular quirks. At first I was a little offended because, well, I have no quirks. I'm perfect. Just ask WD. He always tells me, "Oh, I forgot, you're perfect." So what if it's always during an argument. It still counts, right?
Wrong! Oh, I've got me some quirks, alright. And here's 6 of them. Thanks to Dawn (Dawn's Daily Life), Jennifer (Happily-Ever-After-Land), and Merrie (Sleepless Mornings) for the tag!
- I don't really like to touch food with my fingers while eating. It makes me feel, I don't know, greasy or messy or something. Ugh. Even when I eat pizza I use a knife and fork.
- After I read a book, it takes me awhile to start a new one. Particularly if it was a good book. I have to take time to mourn the loss of the characters.
- I've really tried to like coffee--black, no sugar, no cream. It smells so good and seems like the grown up thing to do. But I just don't like it. Now add equal parts milk and a couple of ounces of flavored syrup and serve it over ice, that's another story.
- I've jumped into the 21st century by paying bills online but I still opt to have my bills sent to me by mail. I'm not ready to go completely paperless.
- This may be un-American of me but I don't like going to the movies. Unless it's a matinee and the theater is fairly empty. I don't like sitting next to strangers, sharing an armrest, the collective laughter and sniffles, the spontaneous applause, and the crinkling of wrappers during quiet moments. Yep. I'll stick to matinees.
- Onions make me cry. Big time. I can't cut an onion without stopping halfway, blindly throwing my knife down, and running around the kitchen fanning my eyes to make them stop stinging and tearing up. It's like I just got finished watching Titanic. I don't know how Rachel Ray does it.
Tag! You're it!