Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Contrast Of Siblings

I know I've mentioned my sister, Angie, numerous times on this blog but did you know I have a brother too? Yep. I do. His name is Steven and he lives in Florida so I only see him once, maybe twice, a year. He's also 6 years older than I am--and a boy-- so we weren't really close growing up. Okay, so he did design clothes for my Barbie dolls, but other than that, we just didn't have much in common.

For the past 2 weeks, Steven has been traveling around France and Germany. For the past 2 weeks, I've been to Walmart 4 times.

While in Germany, he visited the Cologne Cathedral which contains the remains of the 3 Wise Men. At church last Sunday, the boys were a holy terror, so while in the cry room, I put them each in a corner. During Mass. In front of Father William. And I'll do it again if I have to.

In Paris, Steven was served croissants, (real) French onion soup, and fine wine. I serve my family fruit loops, pb&j sandwiches, and juice boxes. Daily.

He spent hours walking with his boyfriend along the Brittany coast in France. I spent hours last Monday trying to get the pee smell out of my living room carpet from where the boys tipped over their potty.

I think this is where I'm supposed to say how I wouldn't trade my life for his and motherhood is full of joy and wonder and blah, blah, blah, but dangit, I want some croissants too! And I don't mean from Walmart!

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  1. HA! Great comparisons. Yeah, I want his life, too. When do we leave??

  2. Merrie--Probably not until retirement age, then we'll be too old to enjoy it!

  3. Remind me to ask Momma if she can make me some pjs like that again.

  4. Heellloooo! Your children's grandparents want to do all those things too, and are capable of having lots of fun too! :)

  5. Cute PJ's; and cute children!

  6. Ok, yes I want that life!!! The PJ's are adorable

  7. Angie--Ha! She just threw out her sewing machine!

    Judy--With or without medication? ;)

    LeAnn--I wish my mom would have kept them--she was quite the seamstress!

  8. Why would you want to give up our dashingly exciting lives as mommies:)

  9. I love it! Sometimes I just have to serve myself mineral water in a wine glass to pretend like I am in my children like to drink it and it's lost the magic...something about drinking Acqua Panna out of a plastic "Cars" cup just doesn't seem so deluxe...

  10. Brittany--He's the one totally missing out on a life that is sometimes governed by poop, right?!

    Elizabeth--Don't forget to mention cappuccino in a Spongebob mug!

  11. those pj's are too cute! My brother and I are very different also, but different is good isn't it. :)

  12. Ah, my comment disappeared.

    Thanks for the laughs. I returned home to find a pee smelling bathroom. I've cleaned it, but it still smells. Someone got creative. The hunt is on. I'm trying to tell myself it's an adventure. ha ha.

  13. Kristen--I can't complain too much about him because he bought me a pair of Uggs last Christmas!

    Angie--That sounds like my boys' bathroom! I don't how they manage to get it all over the walls!

  14. Oh my! Those are quite the outfits... gotts love the 70's!

  15. LOVE this picture!
    I know those p.j.'s

    Come on over for the last night of my virtual-girls-night-out.)

  16. Kat--Thank goodness there were no digital cameras in the '70s right?!

    Ann--Heading over there now....

  17. Me too me too! I wanna be strolling the beach with my boyfriend. How fun and romantic would that be. Oh remember boyfriends? Romance? Long walks? Holding hands?

  18. Andrea--I would love to be at the beach right now and away from this 100 degree heat and dusty dirt road!


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